Sunday, June 22, 2008

To The New Apartment

Today we have to move to our new apartment with 4 other Singaporean guys. Hooray!! A really run down building on the outside. Luckily the inside is not that bad. We had an empty apartment initially and end up doing garang-guni. Haha. Which helped us to complete our living room. Lol. Two sets of sofa and a coffee table! Woohoooooo. And now i have a kitchen to cook.
Not only that I finally found my second job after a long long search and worrying period. Gonna work at this fast tood place. Right after securing that job, I got a call from the merchandise shop. Totally wtf, everything come in on. I am still wondering whether I should choose merchandise shop. Less oily and dirty ma but time will pass slower as there is less to do. Think think.....

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