Arrived at my most beloved city on earth after more than 20 hours up in the air. Still suffering from the aftershock of not being able to get the job after sacrificing a wonderful thanksgiving weekend down in LA. *Grinds teeth* The anger quickly disappeared when I met my friends. Am extremely excited as we're gonna be visiting their new nest!

Their wonderful house is situated up high on a hill that overlooks South SF, with the most serene and peaceful surroundings. *Envious* I could totally picture myself sitting out at the balcony, sipping my favorite ginger milk tea, watching the magnificent view of the sun setting in the background.
The inside of the house is so comfy and cozy. Totally loved the extremely tall ceiling and the antique looking piano in the living room. I should start making more
mooolah to get a place like this. On second thought, nah I'll just visit more often and enjoy my carefree life.

Oh can I mentioned that the dinner was great? The papaya salad made by Vince was very nice and the golden raspberry tasted like it is totally out of this world. My mouth is watering as I'm uploading the photo of it. Thanks to Vince n
Thang for being such great host!

Fun fact: Vince claimed that papaya salad is not a Thai traditional food but Laos.
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