The drive to the Ventura lot was a breeze. Thank goodness no traffic this time. Free parking here but the shuttle to the bowl from here cost 4dollars each person. Definitely a better option than to get stuck at the bowl after the end of the show.
The intention to grab a picnic table did not materialize as we were too late. All tables seemed to be taken up even it is like 2.5 hours prior the show. Soon we decided to just head to our section and do our picnic there. Lucky us, there were nobody around our area. So we get to colonize the up to 4 rows of seats for our feast. Hehe.

We've got so many yummy food. Chicken wings, shrimp salad, shrimp cocktails , sandwiches, chips, brownies, wine, candy, peanuts, water, Gatorade, tea and wine! Could definitely open up a food kiosk with all those. Lol. It was such a fun experience gobbling down the food with the bowl and the Hollywood sign as the backdrop.

Gave away our pair of section K tickets to some couple who happened to be seated at our row. We wanted to sit together for the show even if that means getting push backwards 3 sections and not being able to see the performers without lookin at the screen. But oh well, its more fun to sit with friends. Gotten ourselves cushions for only 75cents as sitting on the hard bench for another 2 hours would definitely flatten our ass. :p

At 830pm, the show finally began. The orchestra kicked off the night with some famous tunes from old movies which I couldn't recognise at all. OMG! Then came Micheal Feinstein performing some huge hits from the great American songbook. Totally enjoyed the whole big band swing feel.
But the highlight of the night has got to be hearing Jewel sing live. Gosh, I have been a fan of hers since her first hit. The feeling of being able to hear this wonderful voice with the oh-so familiar tunes is more than satisfying, its satiating. *Sings* You were meant for me, and I was meant for yooouuuuuuuu.....

The show ended with impressive fireworks lighting up the bowl alongside the great music accompaniment from the Bowl Orchestra. Now, that is a perfect guys' night out but not with some clubbing after the show! Time for boogie wonderland.

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