Jun 2nd
As I arrived in my motel room on the first day here in Santa Cruz, I cannot help but feel the quietness and loneliness all around me. Not only I am alone in the room but there is really not many ppl around. The motel is a temp place as they ran out of space at the apartment for international students. So i get to enjoy a more comfortable bed till 20 June! Hehe. However, it is so empty here. Guess I've gotten too used to company of my travel buddies in these 3 weeks. I need that busy and on-the-go life again! Here are photos of my motel. Good thing there is internet connection. I get my comp as company once again.
As I arrived in my motel room on the first day here in Santa Cruz, I cannot help but feel the quietness and loneliness all around me. Not only I am alone in the room but there is really not many ppl around. The motel is a temp place as they ran out of space at the apartment for international students. So i get to enjoy a more comfortable bed till 20 June! Hehe. However, it is so empty here. Guess I've gotten too used to company of my travel buddies in these 3 weeks. I need that busy and on-the-go life again! Here are photos of my motel. Good thing there is internet connection. I get my comp as company once again.

Jun 3rd
Today we had to settle some paper work with the coordinators. Lucky there is things to do to keep me busy. If not sure rot in room. Pretty simple procedures. We had to go for orientation and medical test later the day too. Oh well, as long as there is something to keep me occupied
Decided to go for a jog. Something that I did not get to do since I finished exam. That's a massive 2 months. Gosh, my stamina sure went down by a lot. The view around the place is just marvellous. If only I have someone to share this with. Here are some of the things I see as I jog today.


Very nice houses like this along the street

The famous Surfer Statue in Santa Cruz
Went to Safeway to shop later the night with some fellow Singaporeans. Thank goodness there is some ppl to talk to here else I will really die. Seeing Safeway makes me miss Calgary so much. Any of you my dear exchange friends here me? I Miss UofC and u guys! Bought all those microwave food that I used to have for breakfast last year.
Jun 4th
Today is free day! Not that free after all as I need to settle stuff like bank account and get a phone line. Thanks to Thomas n Alex for helping me out on this. Checked out on the gym and dance lesson places too. Dance lesson place seem alright but the gym place is bad.
Will try out the UCSC gym tomorrow. Went for a jog again but at late afternoon as it is hotter. The weather here is freaking cold, the sea breeze just wouldn't stop blowing. I had to wear long pants and double layer of clothes.
Weather is a little gloomy today

Jun 5th
Took a bus to UCSC to check out their gym. It turned out to be good. Not as good as the one in UofC but definitely better than the NUS one. Haha. Had to pay $5 dollars each time but well, it alright. Had a great time working out there. The last time I work out was back in Atlanta, the wonderful Intercontinental hotel. Ahhhh I wanna go back there.
View of the place

Lots of treadmills but best thing is the view outside from here, see the photo below?

Another view of the gym. There is 2 levels altogether
Join another group of Singaporean to catch a comedy show at Blue Lagoon as our coordinator is doing a stand up comedy there. He was really good. We found out that he actually tour around to do comedy with 3 other guys. Cool. I get to ride to the place for free, thanks to th 4 SG guys from room 208. Hehe. We however, got pulled over by a cop. Luckily nothing happened he just checkin on our driver. Guess nothing can be as severe as my experience with the cop back in 2006. That was definitely the worst birthday of my life!
Went for a jog again as there is nothing much to do today. There is a lot more ppl around today. Guess cos its Friday. Lots of surfers around too. It was fun seeing their moves. Think I am gonna get addicted to this soon. Haha We had to go for work training a 4pm that day. I am kinda looking forward to start work as I am feeling real damn bored by now.

Saw this on the beach. Cool isn't it

Guess what, we got there and found out that our training has been cancelled. It is not bad at all because they will actually pay us 4 hours of work as compensation! Yeeehhharrrrrr! Get to catch a glimpse of my future work place today finally. Now keeping my fingers crossed for my next 3 months at this place. How will it be?
They will have free beach concert here every Friday!
The boardwalk

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