Before that I went around the wharf as Santa Cruz is also having something big. It is the annual vintage car show. Hehe. Very impressive. All those ppl really took good care of the cars or rather spent a lot to refurbish them. Prices of the car going on sale is even more expensive than a brand new one. Did not really manage to see everything as I needed to catch the train down to SF for a bigger and more flamboyant celebration.

Took advantage of the good public transport from San Jose to SF via the Caltrain. It was very comfortable and for only $7.50 one way, it is really a steal. Had a very pleasant hour long train ride. Yup it only took me 2.5 hours to get from Santa Cruz to SF with total cost of $11 dollars. I foresee myself heading down to The City a lot this summer :)

Met up with my UofC exchange friend Zoie. So envious of her being able to move to SF. I've met up with almost everyone from UofC gang except Christine. Guess Taiwan will be the next stop. Lol. We spent lots of time deciding where to eat and finally settled for Vietnamese cuisine. The 7 flavored beef was special but the price was a little steep. It was great catching up with her.

The next day was spent going around Market Street where the pride parade takes place. It was really and eye opener. Not an event to miss. Very very happening indeed. So glad I get to see and experience this man.

Also checked out the booths at the Civic Center with John and friends. The whole pride event was so huge that then condone off like the whole area and street around the Civic Center. It is really not a event to miss. See so many funny things. There is even guys and gals walking around stark naked! OMG! Was too pai seh to take photo of that. Now I kinda regret not doing it. Sigh! Will try to get some of the photos from friend. Once I get it will upload them here. Haha.

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