Here is the grand plan. Will be traveling to all those cities starting from NYC and ending it off in Santa Cruz to start my 4 months WnT program. I am so excited about this trip. Dotted line is by air. Solid lines will be by land. Hopefully we will be alright from the 14 hours continuous bus ride

Went out last night with Hend, Cindy, Ian & Grace. It'll be 6 months before I see some of them again. Thanks for the car ride. Hehe. Feels good not taking public transport. Must find someone to drive me. :p Gonna miss you guys. Take good care and happy searching for our new home while I'm away ok. We forgot to take photos. :-(
Thanks Lt for well wishes but no thanks to your statement of finding a replacement for me while I'm away for 6 months. Bleh.
Meanwhile, check this space for updates while I am away. Will try to blog as much as I could. Hehe.
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