We went to store our luggage at the hostel before heading off to the city to explore. They once again screwed up my reservation. We were moved from a 4 bedroom dorm to a 6 bedroom dorm again. I'm really getting fed-up with all these over booked systems. Booooooooo
We started our sightseeing of the National Mall (Not a shopping mall. It is where all the museum and admin are carried out in the capital city.) at the Capitol Building. It was so impressive and big, much better than seeing it on TV. Our intention to visit the inside of the Capitol did not materilised due to timeslot inavailability. We did however, took lots of picture of the building. The crowd visiting the building is really crazy. There must be like hundreds of people queueing up.
We continued walking along the National Mall. It was huge! Grab some hotdogs around the place. It was sure expensive! But hungry la, so no choice lo. Must eat, if not later will faint. The Foot Long Coney Island is very tasty. Took a few pics around the area. Sorry I forgot the name of this building. Haha.
We join a free walking tour at 2pm that day. When we first arrived, the meeting spot is kinda empty. We almost left thinking that the tour was cancelled. The tour was really engaging and fun. The guy was wearing a baby blue shirt with orange cap (that's a fun colour already) and was jumping around, so full of energy. I wonder how he does that. Haha. It is call the Free DC Walking Tour. (Just in case u guys wanna do it) I definitely recommend doing it. You get info bout the place without too much boring naration.
The Washington Monument. A great place to view the whole National Mall
At the reflecting pool of Lincoln Memorial with Washington Memorial behind
The New WWII memorial with all the US states
We found out one really fun fact. They actually build the White House and Jefferson Memorial directly opposite each other to make sure that Thomas Jefferson keep an eye on the President of US. Haha. See, Chinese are not the only superstitious one. The even make sure that no trees blocks the view between the two. The Capitol and Lincoln Memorial also faces in other but I don't know whether there is a reason for that. All these 4 and the Washington Monument make up the Big 5 must see of the place. They are just so impressive.
Jefferson Memorial, my favourite landmark
White House, this is the closest that we can get.
Went back to check-in that day with the intention of checking out Dupont Circle night life. But the piggy me slept the night away while the other have pizza in the room. Yes I slept without dinner. Slaps head...
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