This is my small, cramp but lovely secondary school. Still remember rushin' up that fleet of stairs everyday for assembly. I'm always just in time for it. Never more then 5 minutes early. Ha ha. I must apologise to my dad for making him rush everyday. Bad bad boy. Yes, I'm a lucky chap. My dad takes me to school everyday. Thanks dad! Luv u lots.

Here is where we assemble everyday. However, me and some friends will be at our hideaway. Assembly is so boring. See the red round dot? That's where we usually 'lepak'. If you're wonderin' why we never get caught, well we're prefects! Oops..... partners in crime.
I've came such a long way. Lookin' back i start to ponder whether this what i really want?
Are you where you wanted to be?
Did you get there easily?
Did I make you sacrifice?
Did you make a sharp left
When you should have turned right?
Where you want to be.......Darren Hayes
ur sch remind me of CCHS(B) hahaha... same design de...
Where is CCHS(B) ah? I blur lerh. Haha
oh.. its chung cheng high school branch. near my school chung cheng high school main.
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