Went out with my project group mates today right after exam. It is amazing how we managed to click after only one semester. We started off not even knowing how each others look like. Ha ha. It was a pretty fun and enjoyable session. Haven't been feeling this great in quite a while. Boo to Kris for missing out on this great outin'.

Went for a boardgame session at Boat Quay today as suggested by Fanni & Guowen. Mama Sandh and I decided to go ahead with the idea. The amount of boardgames available there sure overwhelmed me. But it was the answers to some questions in the 'Battle of the Sexes' game that made me laughed my head off. Chew on these:
1) What is 'catty' about the catfish?
It eats Cats.
2) What are the names of the two robot characters in Star Wars?
3) In golf, what do you call the person that carries the clubs?
A Clubber!
Well besides that, we learnt that mama Sandh has a pretty good ability of drawing with her eyes closed. Just to giv u a gist of the game. I'm postin' some very artistic drawings here. Try to guess for yourself what the answers are. I'll post them up soon.
Just to give you guys some hints. The top left pic is about a place. Top right an animal. The one below a person.
After the great session, we headed for supper at the famous frog porridge at Chinatown. Still feeling bloated from the meal. These photos are the best shots that we could get. Guess we're not so good at photographing ourselves. A very nice outin' I must say. Guys, must do this again someday!
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