Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Favourite Things

Well, I am now currently rottin' in my room thinkin' bout the trips far far ahead of me. And my plan for next few months is just like the weather here. A moment everything is bright and sunny. Just as i thought that I can even breath easy, it became all snowy, cold and gloomy.

Since there is not trip to blog about..............................lets blog about things then. Haha. You think I'm gonna sign off with a gloomy random entry? No way man! Haha. Here are a few things that I found here in Canada and really like a lot.

First up the provocative yet really cool matchbox. Dun you just agree with the tag line. Well, if you dun agree, check your spam mail. they've got lots of remedy for you. Wahaha!

Next up is the Beaver's Droppings. I still remember how hard I laughed when my roommate's friends actually told me that she had some pretty cool droppings. Yucks! In case you dun understand, droppings = shit. I have no idea why they call this chocolate droppings.

Talkin' about sweet things, I really like this cute little Bird candy called Peeps . Oh, note that I like the look of it no eatin' it. Its so damn sweet that i need to drink so much water after having it.

Yes you have seen him before, the Smiley face candle that I've used for one of my friend's Birthday. The big one looks more like a bomb actually.

The next item is authentically Canadian. Tim Horton's. Its actually Canada's answer to the US starbucks i guess. Really dig their timbits and donuts. Banana flavoured timbit is my favourite. Isn't it ironic when i dun eat banana at all. Haha. A further plus point is the price. Its much more reasonable and cheaper than the other coffee chain too.

The last and final thing. Haha. No, I'm not being narcissistic. Yes i do love myself a lot but this is about the camera. After my freakin olympus keep screwing up on me. I have decided to get a Sony camera. Maybe i should steal it from my friend. YJ you did not see this. Hehe.

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