The day started off pretty late. Actually they day was spent in LaLa Land. Haha. I did not wake up till afternoon. First thing that I could think about is eating more food. Alanis and I kinda worked our brain pretty hard trying to figure out what to eat for lunch. We headed off to Jordan at Kowlooon. Get to see the side of HK that I watch in the drama serials when I was young.

Finally decided on a 'Cha Chan Tieng'. (Means coffee shop) It was certainly and eye opener. The pace was so so fast. If I were to work at that pace in my restaurant, guess I would have spilled drinks at my customers. Haha. And yes, they do soak their hand into the tea they serve.

The food there was pretty cheap and tasty. At HKD 26, I get spagetthi with 'Char siew', toasted bread (tell call it toast c), egg with ham and a cup of tea; fragrant and unsweetened. I always hate how those ppl at the drink stalls making my drinks too sweet. This tea was pretty good. Reminds me of those that I have from my favourite 'Ah Pak' back home. Apparently, the HK ppl are kinda friendly. We got to chat with those sharing table with us. Such a pleasant thing to do.

Next, a visit to Kowloon Park mad me realise that there is indeed a huge number of Philliphino maids in HK. They practically colonised the parks. Haha. Checked out the heritage museum too. Nothing really marvellous but it is a good spot to check out models of architechure that we want to see in real. Took a note on a few that I plan to visit in the next couple of days.

Kit joined us at Tsim Tsa Chui East later that night. The lightings around there is really impressive. The Christmas feel is all over. I was told that this year it is really nice due to the strong economy. People are more willing to spend ont he deco as compare to last year.

We headed off to my first not so tasty dinner in HK. Some baked rice thing. Dun wanna mention bout it anyway. We headed off to the Avenue of Stars for the light show. The laser show was just alright. A pretty good analogy is like shinning a tocrch around those lego building that u built while u were young. Haha. The walk out towards the shopping center was nuts. I was really pushed all over. Its really a sardined packed experience. And we actually waited for around 15 minutes before walking there to so called try to 'avoid the crowd'. Madness!

Tried out the famous 'Hui Lau Shan' dessert shop. Mango dessert is just marvellous. Mango ice-cream, pudding, cubes and juice all in one. How could one ever resist this. But I kinda fallen in love with the Carrot Cake. Haha. Ended the night around Kunsford pubbing it away. It was so great meeting all old friends. Merry Christmas once again folks

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