Monday, December 31, 2007
The Countdown
Went back to Alanis's place to kinda do last minute shoppin' for stuff that my mom wants. Afert accomplishing the duty, I headed off downtown once again. Its time for the most crowded countdown ever. I heard that we have to meet before its 9pm in order to get a good place. Haha.
Things went wrong that night as I cannot seem to call my friend who is stuck in Tsim Sha Tsui. But I later found out that I'm not the only one lost. Candice who is from Calgary actually got stuck so badly in the crowd that she has headache. Here's how bad the situation is according to her, 'I've never seen this much ppl ever in my life. You actually get more ppl down there in TST than the whole Calgary population'. Lol.
Hearing that, I decided to join my friend's party at another friend's house. Best thing is we can see the fireworks from the place. If only I could spent countdown like thise every year.
As I countdown to another year, I couldn't help but be thankful for all the great things that have happened to me in 2007. It is certainly the best year ever in my life. Calgary, Europe, Home, Korea, HK, friends, travel, family, great results and most of all lost of loving.
Thank you 2007. Now let's hope for a wonderful 2008. Happy New Year Folks!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Hangover
Went back to Alanis's place for a nap until afternoon. After rechargin', headed off to Sai Kung with Alanis for a taste of the famous seafood and fishing place in HK.
I was so excited seeeing how the fishmongers do their business. They are actually sell their seafood directly from their boat while customers choose their purchases from the walkway above. They exchange money and purchases using the fishing net. Another eye-opener for me.
Apart from fishmongers, Sai Kung is also all about dog. Mind you, the number of dogs here are uncountable. Its like a dog's world out there. Haha. There is this dog that really caught our attentions. It was actually trained to walk on two feet. So funny.
We admired the seafood display around the place. There was an aquarium with super huge fishes. We joke about not needing to go to Ocean Park for sea creatures anymore. Haha.

As we walk around the place, I get to try out more local streetside food. No I did not have seafood there as the price was much higher than those in Cheung Chau. Hence, if you're thinkin' of cheap seafood, take a ferry ride to Cheung Chau.

Later that night, I went off to Hard Rock Cafe for a short meeting with Ray, Winter and Candice. I am such an addict for these kinda live band restaurant thing. Haha. Had some dessert after that before heading off to Avenue of Stars strolling the night away. Meet some friends there that night. It was wonderful looking at the Skyline once again. Will I get to walk down this place again with someone who is truly special to me? :p
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Failed Shopping Mission
After the very 'disgusting' meal in the 'toilet', I started shopping for stuff. Window shopped for about 2 hours but still doulcn't find anything. Later that day, Ray and Candice joined us. Did another round of shoppin but still end up empty handed. I guess I am really gonna go back empty handed this time around. Argh.
Ray took us to his aunt's restaurant that night. It is actually a vegetarian restaurant. The food however, does not seem vegetarian at all. They actually have friend chicken and salmon sashimi. Amazing isn't it? For the first time, I actually enjoyed having vegetarian food.
Next up, was a photo taking session at Kowloon Bay shopping center. Its like I am thrown into disneyland. (Overstatement, wahaha) They have decorations of toy story, monster inc. and cars. Very nicely done indeed. We spent about 1.5 hours there with just photos! Haha Crazy ins't it. I bid farewell to Winter and Ray that night and went off to party till mornin...................
Friday, December 28, 2007
The Other Facet of HK

We took an hour's ferry ride to Cheung Chau Island. Not as great as the scenery when I took the ferry to Victoria, BC but still its kinda pleasant. The ferry was however, quite old and non-airconditioned. Wonder how people can stand the heat on summer days.

Upon arriving on the island, I noticed the stark contrast between it and the city. Neither is it similiar to rural Stanley. Old fishing boats lined the shore of the island. On the walkway, I see hundreads of people feasting with the famous seafood there. We decided to getaway from the crowd and did some hiking. On our way, we couldn't help but try out all the food from the roadside stalls. The fishball is plain yummy. Its a must try if u ever come to Cheung Chau.

Hiking around the mountains was really fun. Especially when you have a gal who is scared of ghost. U get some entertainment from scaring her everytime. Hahaha. The view of the beach from the mountain is really great. Air is much fresher there too.

Took some crazy shots around the rock area. Fooling around with the smile function of the new sony cybershot camera. Basically the camera detects smile on the face before taking the picture. Meaning no smile = no piture. Wanna know more, go google it yourself.
After the long long hike, we finally did the seafood thingy. The meal was alright. The 3 of us were so sick and tired of peeling off the shells from the prawns and crabs. Dashed off for the ferry ride back to the main island. This time around we got a fast ferry which is air-conditioned and faster. Hehe.
Rounded up the night with another round of food feasting around Mongkok. The food is just marvellous. The ducke breast is so juicy and meaty! The takoyaki ball beats those in Taka flat! Best thing is they are all so cheap. Looking forward to the shopping trip tomorrow.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Pleasant Randomness
Headed off to complete my walk around Central area. Notice that there is really a stark contrast between the streets there. See pics below and u'll get what I mean. Had a wanton mee. It was so nice. Fresh whole crunchy prawn, so different from those minced one in SG. Tried out the pig hand too. It was kinda too disgusting to eat it in public. No its no about the pig. Its about the way to eat it. Hence, no photos taken. Haha
Took a bus towards Stanley later that afternoon. The bus road along Repulse Bay is mesmerising. With the birght yellow sun setting in the background, those sandy beaches along the bay with high rise condo made it seemed like a perfect place to stay. As we race down the highway, I couldn't help but want to live there to see that magnificent scenery everyday at sunset.
Stanley is the first place in HK where I see more tourist than locals. Haha. It is really a pleasant place to chill and relax. They have a beach walkway, nice outdoor seating with small little pubs. Kinda feel like a small little beach boardwalk in US minus the crazy amusement parks and theater. Went around those places where a TVB drama serial was film at. 'Fei Duin Lau Cheong'. Was a fan of the movie. Hence, made Kit walk all around with me to take pics. Sorry!
Ray and Winter when all the way to Stanley to meet up with me that night. Thanks so much! We head off to Aberdeen, once a fishing village in HK because I wanna see Jumbo floating restaurant. It wasn't as fanciful as I've expected.
I was more excited about buying dinner from the boat. Haha. It was such a new experience buying those 'teng chai mien'. Its like u buy it form the uncle at the boat, bring it all the way to the park to eat and then return it to him at the boat. Taste good too!
We headed for The Peak next. Thanks to my friends for taking me there. Totally enjoyed the whole tram ride up.
At the Peak, the view is simply marvellous. City skyline from the top is really amazing. HK is so wonderful. The skyline is marvellous no matter where you view it from. Btw, there are houses situated higher then where obeservatory is located. Totally envy those who actually live at the top of mountains.
We did an amazing race round Mongkok. Tryin out a few types of wonderful HK street side food in a short short time. We managed to queue up and buy those thirst quenching plum drink, delicious duck meat and best ever takoyaki ball i ever had in a short period of 15 minutes. Must go back there again to eat before i head back home. Haha. End of another wonderful day in HK. Too tired now. Koonzzz.............
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Race Day
Me & Kit decided to try out our luck and bet on some horses. I realise that I am so bad at this. We do not even know how to fill up the betting ticket.
We headed off the the air-conditioned ticket counter as it is more comfortable. To our horror, we found out that it is only for bets of 1000HKD and above. We were gonna buy 10HKD bet. Wahaha. It is so hilarious. The race was kinda exciting seeing how the horses which was quite behind suddenly race to the first place. I now know why those ppl get heart attack from this kinda betting.
I went to check out the museums around East Tsim Tsa Chui area later that evening as Kit need to go off for a tuition. Wednesday is a good day to visit the museums in HK as most of them have free admission. Checked out the HK Museum of History. Luved the setting of old HK in the museum. Its like so real and detailed. I feel like I am really back in those olden days. I'll let the picture do the talking.
Next up is the Museum of Science. A really good place for kids or adults who wanna have fun! I kinda hesitated goin in as science museum = boredome to me. I was wrong this time. The world of mirrors and optical illusion gallery was really intersting. They have all sorts of mirrors. I luved those with Vanishing trick and Twins the most. I want a twin bro!
Took another walk around Avenue of Stars. Get to see it less crowded side. Played around with my hp camera a little. The skyline still seem so marvellous after a 3rd consecutive day of viewing it. If you have yet to notice, this post has really small pictures with bad resolution. Thanks to my stupid camera batt that died on me right from the start of my day. But since the photos here are so small, it does not make a diff anyway. :p
Headed off to Mongkok that night to meet up with Jeff, another exchange friend i met in UofC. Walked around a little and tried out the octopus and beef brisket. Yummy. Kinda have no mood to shop yet despite those huge amount of shops there. Hmmmm. This is so not me. Haha.
Kit joined us again later that night for a dinner at Temple St. Its kinda small and not really special. My impression of it being a street with lots of fotune teller and roadside stalls was totally wrong. Guess it has changed over the years.
We got into a really funny situation during dinner that night. The owner changed out table without even askin us. Haha. Guess this culture never really changed. We were on this little table about to have our meal when the owner stormed toward out table and moved our food to the table next to us where another 3 ppl are seating. The then keep sayin come come to another group of guest. Kit was totally dumbstrucked with a great big O shape in her mouth. I was like that was fast, I did not even have a second to think.
Headed off to the arcade for a couple of games. Hitting the drums was kinda fun. Really enjoyed the games there.
Ended off the night abruptly with a dessert session at 'Hui Lau Shan' again. Had a bitter chinese herbal tea before that to counter the heatiness of mango as they are giving me sore throat. Argh. The cab ride back is very pleasant. Kinda really enjoyed the scenery of neverending tall buildings around me with the sea on the other side. I am begining to like this city a lot.