York turns out to be so relaxing and nice. Its like a smaller version of Quebec City. Haha. They've got fort wall arouod the town, Remains of old buildings and nice park too! The famous church there whose name i cannot recall nowhas a really stunning imterior. However, it is less impressive on the inside as compared to the cathedral in Montreal.
We checked out the world's largest railway museum as it is free! Haha. Yup. Happy. Uk has lots of free museums. Come here if you like this kinda sutff. We did not went in the Clifford Tower as it looked too small. Decided to go to the one in Scarborough instead.
This is what we had for lunch. Thanks to Ka Fui for making them. As this is almost the end of the trip, I am runing out of funds. Sigh.
I first came accross the word Scaborough when my dad played his oldies. This song that goes 'Are you going to Scarborough Fair.............' Its a pretty sad love song to me. I got this gloomy feeling bout the town. Its was totally different when I am there. For the first time, I see a beach in UK! By then, we were hyper already as we both grow up in small town that faces the sea. It was so calming to see the sea again.
The Scarborough Castle is a must see attraction. Althoght all that is left of the castle is the remains, the surrounding is amazing!
The View from above is pretty stunnin too. U see the ocean on one side, beach on the other and the town too. We spent the whole time admiring the nice landscape there. Scarborough Fair, I need to be here for the summer someday.
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