Ended the trip with a bang. ‘Fame the Musical’ was not disappointing at all. The dances made me go wow wow wow. Super synchronize and energetic. Manage to see H in the musical. Well, if u guys still remember he is the blonde guy in the now defunct Steps. I recall those days where I used to go gaga over their hit songs like One for Sorrow and 5,6,7,8. Caught a glimpse of a poster ad on Chicago and Tina Arena is in it. If only I have more time. I truly loved her songs. I hope I will not miss that one like the time when I failed to catch Stephen Gately in ‘Jopseh and the Technicolour Dreamcoat’. I am beginning to wonder why all these stars are turning up in London West End Theaters.
Something is really coming over me. I just cannot deny it anymore. I really think that its time to stop wishin’ upon that bright shinnin’ star for what I really want is to shine as bright. Even if I will burn out someday, I need that one moment in my life.