Monday, February 26, 2007

The Flower Craze

Final day of the reading week trip. Couldn't believe that this is coming to an end. Today is actually a pretty impromptu day. We never really plan. Went to the conservatory. The walk there was a torture. Snow was so deep that i reaches my knees! The consevartory has very unique shapes. 4 different pyramids for 4 different themes. I like the floral one the best. Really luv the colours. Makes me feel like spring is here. Never try to cauliflower soup here though it taste like salt.

The parliament building turns out to be extremely good. Initially I was so worried that the free tour would be boring. Its exclusive to the 4 of us too. Cool. We learnt a lot about the building. It was the first building to have eletricity. The crazy architect actually put 638 bulbs in the legislature room. Indulgence. Haha. What impressed me most is the potrait of queen Mary. It was painted in a one point view. Her eyes follows you wherever you move. Freaky! We were told that the potrait of King George is even better as his knees moves too. But it was taken down for repair. What a waste.

Well thats a brief summary of the very great trip that I had over the week. So thankful for the great companion and experiences. Let's do a betta one for the end of term trip guys!

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