Monday, February 26, 2007

The Flower Craze

Final day of the reading week trip. Couldn't believe that this is coming to an end. Today is actually a pretty impromptu day. We never really plan. Went to the conservatory. The walk there was a torture. Snow was so deep that i reaches my knees! The consevartory has very unique shapes. 4 different pyramids for 4 different themes. I like the floral one the best. Really luv the colours. Makes me feel like spring is here. Never try to cauliflower soup here though it taste like salt.

The parliament building turns out to be extremely good. Initially I was so worried that the free tour would be boring. Its exclusive to the 4 of us too. Cool. We learnt a lot about the building. It was the first building to have eletricity. The crazy architect actually put 638 bulbs in the legislature room. Indulgence. Haha. What impressed me most is the potrait of queen Mary. It was painted in a one point view. Her eyes follows you wherever you move. Freaky! We were told that the potrait of King George is even better as his knees moves too. But it was taken down for repair. What a waste.

Well thats a brief summary of the very great trip that I had over the week. So thankful for the great companion and experiences. Let's do a betta one for the end of term trip guys!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Rockin' Good Time

Visited the other university that I almost went to for exchange today. Yup I was offered either UofC or UofA. The Alberta campus here is much larger than the one in Calgary. Buildings are also much beautiful. The most important thing is they have much more stalls that sells food at a cheaper price! The student accomodation situated at the Hub is pretty cool too. Its right above the shops downstairs. No need to walk outside in the cold to get food. Despite all these i still luv UofC more cos of the great friends i met here. Hehe.

The evening was the highlight of the Edmonton trip. Rascal Flatts concert! Despite the long wait for them to start, I had a freakin' good time there. The seat that I got was pretty close. And the best thing is they keep coming to my side of the stage. Hehe. These guys are really good. I enjoyed most when they performed 'life is a highway' with the legendary Don Henley. Dats really a double bonus man. I need another country concert! Still feelin' so high from the experience. Now who sae u can't get high without a booz.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Biggest Mall Ever

Wooohoooooo. Finally get to shop like mad. Shop shop shop till you drop. Abercrombie, Holister, Zara, Urban Outiftters, Adidas. Yes I bought stuffs form all of them! Pocket empty already. Haha. The West Edmonton Mall is really good. Not only it has shoppin places, but also amusement parks and waterpark. The amusement park is kinda mall. Can never compare to those in Orlando. We still had a great time there though. Remember to look cool in front of cameras no matter how scared u are if not ........lo0k at the pic below.

The waterpark is certainly not a place to be missed. The wavepool, slides and even just sittin' down at the bench watcihn' the sunset is just as great!

Finally here are some random pics in how the mall looks like. The cinema in the mall is pretty cool too. They have this dinasours that spits fire every hour. Impressive!

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Hike Upnorth

After a late night of partyin', we still managed to get up early in da mornin'. Amazing. I was still too tired and decided to take a nap on the bus. And yes we missed out stop. Bleh. The destination today is Cleveland Dam and the salmon hatchery. The damn was just alright but its surrounding is marvellous. After hikin' towards the hatchery, all we get to see is baby salmon. I dunno where all those huge ones go. Maybe too scare that I'll have them for Sashimi. Lol.

Speakin' about eatin, we had our dinner at this pretty classy restaurant. Its Italian style. I feel so uncomfortable. It is really a full service kinda restaurant. The even help you to put on your coat. Not my type. Will not go to such a restaurant anymore. I must say thet I enjoy most the parks and nature in Vancouver. Headin' over to Edmonton tomolo for a good shoppin' trip!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Rain City

Wet wet wet. That's all that I can say about the first night in Vancouver. The older part of the town leadin' to Chinatown was pretty scary too. Lots of homeless and drug addicts. What an uneventful first night to start off with. The only nice thing that we saw today was the steamclock. Missin' Victoria already.

The second day was much better. We went to this really nice place called Stanley Park. Manage to catch the impressive city skyline. Walkin' to the lion's gate bridge almost killed me. It freakin' far and uphill. We have no idea why they painted the bridge green. It looked so errrrrrxinnnnnn.

Visiting a marketplace has never been so exciting before. I really luv the clealiness and vibrance in the Granville Public Market. A must seee here. Fruits and veges looks pretty fresh but expensive. Oh here's a very ........ fruit that we saw. Its called the Tahitian Pink Banana. Haha. So tell me what do u think it looks like? Visited the brewery too. Had a chance to taste their vast varities of beer.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Marina in Victorian Style

Today was one of the best trip I ever had. Fine weather after a rainy start. Shops here does not open until 11am. What a smart way to enjoy life right? Went to this place called market square. Pretty cool wild wild west concept. My grown ups friends decided to try out the kiddy elephant rides as no one is around. Knocks head. Lucky the ride did not break.

Next up is the downtown scene. It was pretty much Victorian like. The buildings are such a pleasant sight. Nothing beats the marina though. You can see the huge parliament building across the marina. I wonder why all parliament buildings need to be old. The number of law firms here are crazy! Its everywhere. Wonder y they need so many of them.

This will be an ideal place to retire to. Not only they have great sceneries. The tea house named Murchie's is pretty cool too. They offer more then 20 types of black tea. However, this makes no different to me as they all taste the same to me. Haha. Added cream to my tea somemore. Faints. Next up is the night scene. As usual, the streets are nice but looks deserted. There were lots of homeless around though. Poor thing.

To wrap up the great Victorian trip, we went to this restaurant called Nautical Nellies, claimed to be the best there. Waited a freakin' 1 hour for seats man. Argh! Lucky the food ends up tastin' great. Will be headin' over to Vancouver tomolo. Hope it'll be as great.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Best Weather........Not

Victoria! That's where I am right now. It is so cool. I experienced the warmest weather ever this year, above 10 degrees. Finally no more heavy bulky coat. We were lucky as our journey to Vicotira from the airport is very smooth. Never missed a single transit. Here's a few pic we took on the ferry. Seagulls are everywhere. First time I see so many birds around man.

Went to this really amazing landmark called the Craighdarrouch Castle. It was very bery nice. Built in the Victorian era. The owner of this place must be damn rich. The number of rooms and antiques in the castle is tremendous. Get to see nice flowers and green grass too. Its all white in Calgary, thus it is such a relieve to see colours in the surroundings. The relieve was not long though as rain came pourin' down in the evening. Screwin' up our night sightseeing.

Saw a pretty talented person drawing this potrait of a lday on the street. Cool. Really in luv with the streets here. Warm and lively. I wanna stay here longer!!!!! Finally, Happy Chinese New Year. Abosolutely no atmosphere here man. Well, I'm in the west anyway.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Overpublicise Day in February

Valentine's day its here again. Flowers flowers everywhere. Chocolate chocolate to make you fat. I got somethings else though. Haha. I got a present with brownies and cookies. Kudos to the effort. Its taste nice. If you're wonderin' whether I'm gettin' attached, the answer is a big no. Bleh. Its just a gift from a very good friend. We are like sis and bro la. Here's the pic of the gift.

Anyway I found out from my friend that in Korea, only gals give presents to guy on Valentine's Day. Cool right. Stop right there u guys. Don't even think u could move to Korea to get away with the gifts. The have another day called White Day in which the guys will buy the gals gifts. So much for thought of movin' ya.

Finally Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Broadway Away from New York

Woohooooo!. I'm gonna be catchin' a broadway show not at NYC but in Calgary. Call it luck. The broadway musical 'The Producers" are goin' on tour. So lucky to be able to watch them. Will be goin' for the show on April's Fool day. I'm really burnin' my dad's pocket. Haiz. We got a pretty close up spot. No choice, its either the 3rd row or the 23rd row. We decided on the former.

Snow has been fallin' for the 4th day straight. My goodness. Been seeing perfectly shape snowflakes. They are so nice. My camera is not powerful enough to capture it though. Sigh. Anyway, here is another nice pic that I took at school. Enjoy the snow while it is still here. Brrrrrrrr. Its cold outside.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Best Documentary Video

My biology lecturer showed us a great video last Friday. It summarises the activities of a cell in a very cool digital video. The music sounds good too. Its really a magnificient piece done by Biovisions of Harvard University. This is my favourite picture, it shows the Dyein transporting the cargo along the microtubule. Man, I pity the poor Dyein. Look how hard its workin.

This second one is actually a protein adding to the microfilament. Which will end up cutting the filament off as soon as it attaches.

Never mind if u cannot understand what I'm tokin' about. Just click on this link and enjoy the video. This is phenomena.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Bo-Liao Weekend

This is really a bo-liao (wasted) weekend. Nothing much is done but shoppin' and searchin'. Yes searchin' for CNY clothes. Finally got them. Its so hard to get the right clothes as i could not find any Topman or Guess around here. Settled for American Eagles instead. I had such a panic attack when cuttin' my hair. Its phobia from past experiences. I always end up lookin' like a monkey or alien when I randomly picked a hairdresser. Lucky it turned out ok this time around. Here's the pic.

My friend has complained that I'm too lazy for not describing a little more about the weekend trip. So here we go. Basically, Banff is a very popular ski town here in Canada. Professionals come here to compete, amatuers come here to learn and poeple like me went there to fall. Haha.

The snowfall here is tremendous. It seems to me that it snows at least 2 days every week. Being part of the Canadian rockies, there are a huge number of mountains and canyons like the states. The one that we went to is called Johnson's Canyon. In the trip we learnt that u can differentiate between a glacier and frozen water as water has is a tinge of blue in the ice structure.

There is one very special thing about this place. The presence of a hot spring in this freakin' cold winter. The temperature of the water is actually 39 degrees in a cold outdoor sub zero temperature. And yes it is a outdoor hot spring! Don't you think it looks like a haunted mansion?

U must bewondering why am I postin' such a long entry. This is becos I'll be away for a whole 10 days from 17 onwards so will not be able to blog. He he. Goin' Vancouver, Victoria and Edmonton! Hyper excited.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Weekend at The Mountains

Just finished a test today. 30% worth of marks. Its sap sap water! Yeehar. Wondering what I've been doin' over the weekend? Went to this wonderful ski town called Banff. Did a lot of things there. Hike, club, ski, etc. But now my feet is badly burnt. Thanks to the stupid boots or rather dancing too much in da boots. Will definitely go there again. Thanks to all those who went with me. U guys rock big time. Lets do this again.

Meanwhile here is a video of the weekend. Enjoy!

Its Sulphur Mountain. Typo in the slides Haha.