Headed off to a nursery again. Just to check out on house plants. The Halloween deco was so cute! The pumpkins are so radiantly coloured. They're really so perfect that they look fake. Lol. Guess these ppl really know how to grow their pumpkins.

Made an impromptu decision to drive up the hills to the Griffith Observatory. I wanted to visit that place at night as it is a planetarium. So I could see stars. But if I go at night, I will need to endure the 2 hours bus journey there. The stupid parking attendants closed up the parking spots upstairs when we arrived. So we had to park below the hill. The walk up to the top was totally daunting. The hot weather did not help either. And the worst part was, we saw more than 10 empty spots at the parking lot near the observatory. Argh!!!!! Thanks to my friend for enduring all these to take me there.
The observatory was newly renovated after the expansion in 2006. I was expecting a huge huge place with lots of exhibits. Sadly, it was much smaller than what I expected it to be. The exhibits are good. Small but sufficient. I was pretty attracted by the huge periodic table display with the real elements placed inside the box. The huge telescope was really amazing. Too bad it does not open until 7pm. Else I would have got the chance to peer through that powerful thing to find my wishing star. Lol

A good place to take beginners to understand the whole space, star and planet thing. The orange planet reminds me of pumpkin. Who know maybe pumpkin looks like that in Jupiter. Lol. I also had a little fun time with Mr. Einstein. I see him sitting there, all lonely so I decided to take a photo with him :p

The observatory is also a pretty good place for sightseeing. Situated at a hill up high in LA. One can see downtown LA on one side and the Hollywood sign on another. Killing 2 birds with one stone. 3 actually if you're interesting in astronomy stuff. I wonder why I never found out bout this place till now. 2 years after I first visited LA. *Smacks forehead* Gotta come back here at night in the future.

A series of my favourite shots of the day. Feels like a model man. Wooohoooo, I'm in Hollywood after all right!