Work at the boardwalk was easy and boring. I did not really like it but its the job that gotten me here in the first place. I always wanted to do something else. So I guess my second job at Surf City was a good outlet. I look forward working there as much as I look forward to getting their free meal. Lol. Trash and cardboard time are horrible but that always marks the end of my day. After those 12 hours shift I would always walk around the beach and wharf to relax and listening to the sound of the waves, feeling the breeze and counting the stars above me. Guess this is what I'm gonna miss the most.

I realised that most of my off days were spent out of Santa Cruz. San Francisco is the place I visited the most. That was my main reason for choosing Santa Cruz actually. Its proximity to SF. Now that my work is ending, it will definitely be harder for me to visit lovely SF as often. But I do remember some off days spent in Santa Cruz. They were simple days like those that I head to the gym at UCSC, jog around Westcliff area and enjoy a wonderful that home cook meal at M&J 's.

La Bahia, my home for these months has really trained me on my sensitivity towards temperature. I am now a pro on switching the hot and cold faucet off intermittently to maintain a correct temprature while showering. Haha. I will also need to say goodbye to my dear microwave, one which I abused so much throughout my stay. My only means of cooking my meal.
Well, though I will leave all these behind. I am sure that the friendships made here will last for a long time even if not forever, thanks for making everything so hard, irritating, fun, exciting and memorable.
A final person to thank would be the W&T coordinator Sequoia without whom I will not even get to come here to Santa Cruz. Not forgetting Dave our housing coordinator for helping us out on all little nonsense too.

So adios work and travel 2008. Gonna keep this piece of memory for a long long time to come.