Its was snowing again today. Wif super duper strong wind. Prayin hard that it will not bee too cold over the weekend. Lookin' forward to hikin' at the mountains.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Game of Life
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Coffee Hub

Besides being a coffee hub, its also a place for dog walkers i guess. Saw a lot of cute little puppies. How i wish that we could stay at those houses near this place. We meet with some really unusual people. They go around givin' free hugs. I still do not know what it is about.

If my friend has an alcohol addiction, I think I'll soon get an addiction to cupcakes. There is this shop named crave. The sell very nice cupcakes. Comes in different colours and flavours. Blue, Pink, Yellow and so on. Its really sweet and nice. The cake is actually a chocolate flavoured cake. We have blue vanilla and yellow peanut butter. Must go back there and try another flavour soon. Hope to spend more wonderful Sundays like this.

Saturday, January 27, 2007
The Walk Down 17th Ave
Next we went for a long walk down 17th Avenue. Finally some nice shoppin' street. We were crazy enough to drink slurpee and eat ice cream in this freakin' cold weather. Took some nice shots at the St. Mary's Cathedral. Thanks to the professional photographer Ray. Speakin' of church I have yet to go to a service since so long. Hmmm. Guilty eh.
Guess that all now. Next weekend I'm gonna go out of town to the mountians. Really lookin forward to it.
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Failed Clubbin' Attempt

Here are some snapshots of us foolin' around the train station. Too tired.I got to sleep now. Zzzzzz.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Cheapest Chicken Wings Ever

We went for a walk around the campus after the pub as it was not too cold. Wanted to get some nice designerbrewed coffee. Went to this hospital close by. Its not open 24 hours like NUH. It was quite a wasted trip. However, the architechure of the hospital is pretty cool though. Did a lot of foolin' aroundthe place. Lucky no security guard is around.
The Diva's Concert

Saturday, January 20, 2007
The Day at The Fort
Jeff anf Kit hesitated a little about goin' in. But Suzi, Winter and I wanted to go in. In the end we went in anyway. Lucky we did. The museum did not fail to impress. It is small but we had a lot of fun. Perhaps too much fun. Haha. We set off the alarm at the security counter 3 times and entered a restricted area. Oops. But that is how we managed to befriend the security guy. Heard some funny little stories from him too.
We posed, got locked in a jail, drive a car, sell stuffs a grocery stall and my favourite one would be tyrin' on the uniforms of the olden day armies. So Cool!
Went for dim sum after that. Stayed on till night to see the lightups downtown. Its impressive but there is one problem. It is very quiet. Need more acitvities. Guess because its too cold, nobody wanna stay outside. I feel like I've been thrown into a movie where the poeple are kidnapped by aliens. Haha. Here's da pic. Enjoy!
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Concert Tickets
I persisted. I forgot how many times i actually need to hit the refresh button to recheck. Thanks to Yong Jin for helpin too. Finally I managed to get a seat! Although it is a side stage seat I am happy as it is at the lower level. Meanin' I can see the band closer. I'll be watchin' the concert at Rexall Place, Edmonton on 24 Feb. So excited!
Lookin' forward to my first ever concert. And it is country. Yeeee-harrrrr!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Thought
I dunno why when i look out of the esplanade in Singapore, all i feel is a sense of helplessness. Loneliness. Why is it so different? I dunno.
The Trees of Winter
This is the view from one of my classroom. Its a trailer! Haha. Lucky i picked the seat next to the window. Nice view heh. But no I'm not daydreamin away during lessons. I kinda like the lectures here. The lecturer teaches well. It is not monotonously hypnotising like back home. I bet you guys agree with me.
They say u leave footprints in the sand. But here in Calgary, you leave footprints in the snow. Haha. I'm already missin' this place before I'm gonna leave. Its not much. Just a good getaway from the busy hectic life back home. That's from my Nike shoe by the way. My print! Haha.
One last pic for those of you who misses me. Haha. This is how I look now. All fair again! Can you believe it. Haha. Thanks to Suzi for the nice snapshot.
Ok here is part one of the family introduction. The two friends from University of Seoul, South Korea. Pretty Suzi that cooks very well and Old Man Yong Jin that is really youngat heart. Haha Both are really nice and fun people. Been hangin' out a lot with them. I leant lots of Korean from them. Guess that's it at the moment. Anhyung!
Monday, January 15, 2007
The Second Birthday
Here is a little family potrait. The exchange family of UC Winter 07. Haha . Will post an introduction of the members pretty soon. As usual there were lots of crazy stunts and food. Man I have been eating a lot lately. But no I'm not gainin' weight. Bleh. Gonna give an intro on them in another post soon.
Happy Birthday Alanis! Stay cute and talkative! May your dreams come true.
Friday, January 12, 2007
The Pub Again
Just a fun fact: Smokin' isnot permitted in Pubs here in Calgary. Yeah! No more smelly clothes and hair.

Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Other Kind of Rain

I reached Mount Everest! See the little flag I planted? Haha. Just kiddin'. It sure feels like I'm goin' to everest. The snow is thick. Real thick. My friend mentioned that its like hiking at a snow capped mountain.
That's all for the moment. Been busy with course administration and stuffs. And its the weekend is just around the corner again!
Friday, January 05, 2007
The Long Awaited Day Out!

Went to the Canadian version of Wal-Mart. Its called the Canadian Superstore. Really got lots of stuffs there. I like their layout better then Wal-Mart's.
The highlight of the day however was actually the skating at the Olympic Oval in my school. Its pretty huge and impressive. First timer. Man its damn slippery.I fell in all positions. On my palm, my butt, my side and lucky not my head. Haha. Else I'llbe dumbo when Igo back. Really laughed my head off. Skating was great but fallin' is so pai sei. I see toddlers skating. *Faints*
(Will upload photos at this space once I get it)
Despite feelin' super tired, I went out with the group to a pub about 20 minutes walk from campus in freezing cold weather. *knocks head* It was Jin's birthday. The oldest in da group. Haha. Happy Birthday! May your wishes come true. And in case you are wondering, none of us got drunk. Found out something interesting too, some of them never see Nachos before. That's its for the long day. Gonna koonz.

Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Orientation
Orientation was pretty dry. People here are nice though. Meet a lot of friends. Hang out with people from hong kong and korea most of the time. Checked out the school sports complex. Pretty nice. They've got a huge gym and 3 indoor basketball courts! I wonder why do they need this many of them.
Feel kinda stuck inside the uni right now. Must go out soon!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The New Year
The room is very big. So much bigger then hall. No wonder its so much more expensive too. I even got a closet. Cool. First time ever I got closet. When I don't need the space for clothes, here comes the closet. Ironic. But still what I love most it the view from my bedroom window. Its damn nice.See it for yourself.
What a big big change this year. Kinda miss my parents a little. Been spending like the whole of december together. Here's a little photo we took on Christmas Eve. The classic way to spend christmas. Dinner, Church and ....the presents are missing this year tough. Haha. But hey its the time spent together that matters most.
Happy New Year everyone!